Project Overview

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The Product

WashEase is a convenient and user-friendly laundry services app exclusively tailored for students of IIITB, enabling them to effortlessly book laundry slots according to their preferences and schedule, ensuring their laundry is taken care of with ease.

Project Duration

January 2023 to April 2023

The Problem

Students at IIITB face difficulties with the current laundry system, including unclear processes for obtaining replacement cards and a lack of timely notifications for laundry pickup, leading to a poor user experience.

The Goal

Our goal is to develop a mobile application that streamlines the laundry process for students at IIITB by simplifying the process of obtaining replacement cards and providing timely notifications when laundry is finished. The objective is to enhance the user experience and improve the efficiency of the laundry services at IIITB.

My Role

UX designer, designing an app for WashEase from conception to delivery.


Conducting user interviews to gather insights, creating both paper and digital wireframes to outline the design concepts, developing low and high-fidelity prototypes to test the viability of the design, conducting usability studies to gain feedback from users, ensuring accessibility is accounted for in the design, and iterating on the designs based on feedback and insights gained from the testing and development process.

Understanding the Users

User research: summary

The user research involved conducting a contextual enquiry and survey to gather insights into the laundry experiences of university students, with a focus on the existing card-based laundry system at the institution. The study identified issues such as the need for improved security measures, unclear processes for obtaining replacement cards, and a lack of notifications. The user research also included qualitative interviews with participants to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and perspectives. Insights gained from the research informed the design of a more user-friendly and efficient laundry management system for the university campus, including an app that incorporates payment options and provides notifications before and after laundry is completed. Overall, the user research was crucial in identifying pain points and developing solutions that will enhance the user experience for university students.

User research: pain points


Long Wait Times

Students often experience long wait times for laundry pickup, causing inconvenience and disrupting their daily schedules.


Manual Card System

The current laundry system that relies on physical cards is causing frustration and confusion among students, as the cards are frequently lost or damaged, resulting in difficulties accessing laundry services.


Lack of Communication

There is a lack of effective communication between the laundry service providers and the students, leading to delayed responses and inadequate information about the laundry process.

User Personas

Creating a user persona allows us to gain insights into the demographics, behaviours, and motivations of our target users, which in turn helps us design a product that meets their needs and preferences.

User Persona of Arjun

User Persona of Arjun

User Persona of Sahithi

User Persona of Sahithi

User Persona of Dev

User Persona of Dev